Courtyard Osteopaths


Osteopathy is a physical therapy used to restore and maintain the finely tuned systems of the body with particular emphasis on the skeletal, muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Balance is commonly upset by physical strain or injury, psychological stress or general lifestyle. These imbalances can result in many symptoms such as neck and back pain, digestive upsets, menstrual disorders and respiratory problems.

The osteopath’s role is to use gentle techniques, such as soft tissue and neuromuscular mobilisations, muscle energy and manipulation, and cranial techniques thereby allowing normal functioning to be restored.

Cranial Osteopathy

A Cranial Osteopath is the name given to an Osteopath who works at the more gentle end of the spectrum.  They are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmical shape change that is present in all the body tissues, which is called the involuntary motion.

Cranial osteopathy uses techniques that can be applied to the connective tissues of the whole body as well as the head. They are very gentle and non-invasive, which makes this a particularly safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience. Our clients often express surprise at how so little can achieve so much.
Cranial Osteopathy, also known as craniosacral osteopathy, works on the theory that physical tensions and imbalances affect the flow of the rhythmic movements of our bodies, know as the cranial rhythm. We are trained to use observe, palpate and release restrictions, which makes these techniques especially adept at helping all kinds of problems, both acute and long-standing.

The Centre’s Osteopaths are all also members of the British Osteopathic Association.

Please note that CWH is not responsible for the practitioners that utilise our rooms.
Any complaints or concerns must be addressed to the practitioners or their governing bodies.

We store any information of clients that use our centre in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).